Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Can i get high from tramadol?

I know hydrocodone/acetaminaphin (lortab, vicodin) will get u really high beacuse it interacts with your opiod pain receptors the same way heroine and endorphins work, but since tramadol is not an opoiod and is &quot;opiod-like&quot; can u still get high? It is marketed as a &quot;less drowsy vicodin&quot;<br/>
Center Point<br/>
depends on the person and their tolerance to medications... i wouldnt take it for the sole purpose to get high<br/>
I have to take <em>Tramadol</em> to match chronic pain. It will effect your breathing whether or not you are above ground far off the drug. In the fanciful conception of the medication it states it will and can active element death if abused. Besides that it can damage your liver and cause gastrointestinal phlebotomy. Now, you want to abuse a remedial agent like what one.?<br/>
no and just to take <b>tramadol wide away get attenuated</b> you must be crazed, tramadol is awful you be obliged afar be very persistent with it, you can overdose easily and it makes you feel sick, and drowsy<br/>
No. Not at all. It is a mild to moderate pain medication &lt;more like mild&gt;.<br/>
Dock Junction<br/>
people like you have made it almost impossible for actual pain patients to get any meds. thanks alot loser.<br/>
No that stuff doesn't make you high, and don't even try to take a couple just to get there!!!<br/>
get a life you ******* druggie<br/>
super high try it out <br/>

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