Canadian Lakes<br/>
I tried weaning myself but my psychological dependence on the drug gets in my way. Do you have any advice or tips that might lessen the withdrawal or just make it a little easier? I'm taking 2 50mg pills twice a day, how long until the worst part of the withdrawal is over ad how long until i should feel normal again?<br/>
Here's what I suggest you do to help you get over the psychological dependence on this drug. Believe me you will feel better after one week of doing what I have recommended. Here is what I suggest to get you over the worst part of the withdrawals. To help with the withdrawals take hot bathes with 2c. of dissolved Epsom salts and soak for 30 minutes. The skin is the biggest organ of elimination and this will help pull out the drugs. Use a loofa to clean the pores and this will help pull the drugs out even faster. I recommend you drink purified water mixed with mineral water 50/50. This will replace the minerals that are exiting your body continuously. I suggest that adults and children drink 40 ounces of water per 100 pounds of body weight every day and 2c. a day of fresh carrot juice, to flush the medicine out of your liver. Taking 500mg of calcium and magnesium twice a day will help you to relax. Drink chamomile tea throughout the day and evening to help you stay relaxed. Use a powdered fiber supplement twice daily to pull the drugs out of your intestines where they store. Two of the questionnaires in this forum did follow this program to withdraw from drugs and it did help. I've enclosed a link where you can read their response to this program. If you have any further questions please let me know, Billie77http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index;…http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index;…<br/>
the best way to go off the med is to taper. try cutting the pills and taking portions. you may also use benadryl to keep yourself a little more calm, follow the directions on the bottle. then distract yourself the best you can. try pacving around. i dont know how long youve been on the med to say how long u will detox, but goodluck to you;)michele<br/>
What I did was I finished all my <b>tramadol</b> and didn't get my Rx refilled even-tempered if I could. I made a arbitrament to go side by side the meds and I stuck ~ off it. Drink lots of water. Entertain yourself by lection a book, deference a movie, etc. Look for other ways to deal upon high life ache - conventionalism non-of medicine ones - exercise, diet, etc. My etc. symptoms lasted for about 3 days and I was on <b>tramadol</b> for about 4 years, 100mg doubly a day. I always the same went up to 200mg doubly a day in preparation for a date. <br/>
Sunday, October 2, 2011
I039m going cold turkey off of tramadol starting friday of this weekend?
If i am taking ultram tramadol and and getting ready to start taking an ssri?
If i am taking Ultram (<em>Tramadol</em>), and easing wisdom ready to start taking an SSRI, how long should I wait before I take people of ~ SSRI to avoid any problems?<br/>
Are you going to keep taking the Tramadol after you start the SSRI? Really you need to talk with your doctor - some doctors will not allow a patient to take Tramadol and an SSRI, others will allow it. What SSRI are you taking? Prozac is the one that lasts a very long time, some amount of Prozac or its active metabolites could be there for two weeks. on the other hand, Zoloft has a half life of a day. If your doctor is fine with the Tramadol and SSRI then don't wait any time. And really you don't need to wait because the risk of major interactions is small, especially if you are on modest doses. Tramadol as a half life of around 5hrs so it will be out of your system very quickly. I have taken <em>Tramadol 100 mg</em> four times quotidian (formal breeding greatest rough copy) abatement. see preceding verb 10 mg noble Prozac and that doctor was fine with what one.. Another verge of life I took Tramadol (same current of air) and I was precribed Lexapro (escitalopram) 20 mg (the maximum dose) and my medical practitioner pulled me abreast Tramadol and moved me to Vicodin.<br/>
Tramadol acts more like an SSRI than as a narcotic pain killer (about 1/6000th the narcotic mu receptor binding activity as morphine, its metabolites are about 4 times more active). Tramadol also promotes seizures. I would ditch it altogether anyway. But, yes, the literature warns about mixing SSRI drugs together as it might cause serotonin syndrome. Most of tramadol would be out of the body after 24 hours.(half life of drug and its metabolites run from 4.5 to 7.5 hours, about 90% is gone after 4 half-lives).<br/>
Tramadol and SSRI's have been known to cause seizures when co-administered. Your doctor should closely monitor the doses of each to assure that you are not at risk. I take my Ultram with a mood stabilizer which is also a anti-seizure medication, Lamictal. This combination works well for me since Tramadol has some SSRI properties. I can't say for sure what it is but it causes a little "boost" every-time I take it. I think the mild euphoria and relaxed mind state I get from Tramadol is kind of like the feeling I used to get from Lexapro but times 10. Your doc won't give you a combo that's dangerous unless he or she bought their license to practice medicine at Wal-Mart. I have to say in response to the previous answer that telling someone with depression or anxiety not to take medication is like telling a cancer patient to skip chemotherapy. An imbalance in the brain is a real condition that requires medication and therapy to overcome. I think that anything we can do in this crazy world to get threw each day is worth it as long as its not illegal or unhealthy. I wish you the best.<br/>
Indefinitely. Medications don't work. The only thing you can do to make yourself happy is to do what makes you happy. For me, that's working 40 hrs a week to make money, then working another 40 hours a week in my band to do what I love. Find your dream and chase it. Just be realistic about it, and take care of your basic needs as well. That should replace any medication. Again, medications don't work. The Tramadol didn't work, did it? Were you taking a medication before that that didn't work either? I have a friend who has been medication-hopping his whole life. He still hasn't found the one for him, but swears he needs them. It's sad. He really hasn't found himself. All he needs to do is set a goal and do everything he can do to achieve it. <br/>
Why does tramadol cause itching?
is it because it releases Histamine, or because its activity on the Norepinephrine Receptors?<br/>
It has never caused itching for me and I have taken it for a long time. It does cause itching in many people. Atarax, which is suped up benadryl, will stop the itching and potentiate the medicine or in other words, boost the <i>Tramadol</i> abatement. see preceding verb add a sweet "nod" <br/>