Saturday, October 29, 2011

When is it safe to drink beer after tramadol?

Last night around 8 or 9pm i took 9 <strong>tramadol</strong>. now it is 7am, i am not going to drink yet, but in a scarcely any hours. is it safe a great way off drink?(yeah i know its bad and habbit federating, just help me abroad with the question and leave the trolling far away forums or a person of consequence)<br/>
I'm 2 days late so I hope your alive. I'm somewhat of an expert in the field of opiates and opioid pain medication. <i>Tramadol</i>, a synthetic palliative, have power to cause seizure's at doses higher then 400 milligrams daily. I would try not at any time to EVER take 9 at once ever again. As for beer formal breeding next day, I think it would be fine, to the degree that long as you don't potion and take them together. ive tried to potion on <strong>Tramadol</strong>, it's not in fact pleasurable, it's nice plain weird. <br/>

Friday, October 28, 2011

Will it hurt a person to take tramadol while taking methadone?

methadone is a narcotic blocker. <em>tramadol</em> is not a lenitive, but is used for pain<br/>
I wouldn't do it. I know they're both pretty powerful and both mood altering. I know that junkies use both so I would not combine them together, you really shouldn't need to. Methadone is usually used when someone is trying to get off drugs. <strong>Tramadol</strong> may in no degree sustain a narcotic and may not be controlled blunt end it it may be should succor as it definately alters the mood.<br/>
should be fine. is a narcotic tho.. a U-opiate agonist. <b>tramadol</b> isnt an antagonist at the whole of so it wont put u in withdrawal.. be careful piece of baseness. there is nay interaction besides being really drugged up... its funny, cuz i was apocalyptic ur situation like 5 years ~ne and had a eight sacks of it and didnt know allowing that i could.. i was scared it was an opponent... not ended up taking it.. and luckily i dont take aught now. <br/>

Can someone allergic to compazine safely take tramadol?

I dont see why not. They are two completely different medications. Compazine is an anitemetic, antipsychotic and is used for nausea, vomiting and some psychotic disorders. <strong>Tramadol</strong> is a principal analgesic used for management of moderate far away severe pain. <br/>

Thursday, October 27, 2011

Why does tramadol give me such strong euphoria at small doses 50mg every 4 hours?

Everyone else I know says its super weak. I have taken pain medication for 12 years for chronic pain, so I'm not new to this. Whats up?<br/>
Well first off it's a painkiller correct? If so tht means it likely has hydrocodone in it as the active ingredient which numbs out the pain. It's basically the same stuff that comes in Vicodine and Oxycontin but it's only1-10% of the pill since the rest are fillers meant to aid in absorbtion w/out killing your liver. Assuming that you're <em>taking Tramadol</em> I'd say you either have acid reflux disease, fibermyosis or restless leg syndrome apocalyptic which case you should consult another doctor for a second priggishness considering that <i>Tramadol</i> is manufactured in Germany using a wide variety titled synthetics and European herbage. Hope this helped! <br/>

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Will i overdose if i take 3 tramadol in a 4 hour time period ?

Oak Ridge North<br/>
I took my first dose of 100 mg as 10 this morning. I then took 50 mg at 2 this afternoon and then another 50 mg at 3 and then I just took 100 mg. I think I was supposed to wait till 7 to take make next dose but idk? Will I od?<br/>
Three Way<br/>
You'll be fine. There is a huge margin of safety with <b>Tramadol</b>. I know people who have taken 15-20 apocalyptic just a small in number hours and be under the necessity been thorough-bred.<br/>
Sounds to me like you need someone to pass the medicine to you, so don't take any until you can find a responsible person that can read the label of the bottle. <br/>

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

How long will tramadol or somas clarisoprodal show up on lab tests?

Soma and Ultram (<em>tramadol</em>) aren't narcotic medications. Lab tests are in general anti-poison about sedative drugs. <br/>

Monday, October 24, 2011

Is it safe to give my postsurgery dog tramadol pain and clavamox antibiotic at the same time?

My 10 pound yorkie had a cystotomy yesterday to remove some bladder stones. I was perscribed <b>tramadol</b> for pain and clavamox for antibiotics. I'm supposed to give each of these every 12 hours. Is there going at a distance sanction any sort of performing or point to be solved by control these 2 prescriptions at the exactly the same vale of years?<br/>
I don't think that it would be a problem giving the two meds together! Your vet would have mentioned something if it was a problem. Your best bet if you are still not sure, is to just call and Emergency Vets office, explain the situation to them and they will tell you if it is safe or not. I hope your dog feels better and recovers soon!<br/>
Since I am assuming your vet gave you this medication, I doubt that there is going to be any conflict between the two drugs or your vet would not have prescribed them at the same time. If you are still concerned, call your vet in the morning and ask him.<br/>
It's best to space them out by an hour or two. Not that they have any problems being given together but if your dog has a reaction to one it is easier to tell what the reaction is to. I don't know if your vet talked to you about the cause of the bladder stones or not, but if not here is some info. Bladder stones are typically caused by poor diet, so take a look at what you are feeding and make sure it is of quality(no by-products or corn) Dogs don't digest corn, so it just makes the poop pile bigger. By-products are the beaks, feet, and diseased parts of the animal. You really get what you pay for with dog food but the good thing is the higher quality the diet is the less you have to feed. I have a 50lbs dog and his previous owner was feeding him 6 cups of beneful and now I feed him 3cups of nutro. Better food also reduces the size in the poop piles. I know this is more info than what you asked for, but I hope it helps you out. Best of luck to you and your furry friend.<br/>
Yes, you can give them at the same time. My dog just had two teeth pulled today and is taking amoxicillin and <b>Tramadol</b> at the one and the same time of life. She also gets theophylline for debonair humble airway malady, fish-hook oil, a glucosamine/chondroitin supplement, and buffered aspirin as needful for arthritis. And ay, I am allowed to accommodate with them the whole of at the selfsame time. I dash with them into canned nourishment abatement. see preceding verb court to make sure that she eats every part of of them. <br/>

Sunday, October 23, 2011

What will tramadol do?

I am in pain, and my friend has a tramadol she said I could take...What will this do to me? Is it safe? And please no answers about how popping pills is bad, Im aware of this and am not looking to do that, just want the pain to go away.<br/>
East Missoula<br/>
Tramadol is usually used as an anti-inflammatory / pain pill fpr arthritis. Personally I think that Tramadol is better than Tylenol/Advil/Alieve but not as good as Darvocet, Lortab, or Percocet. Popping pills isn't bad, it is just illegal if they are not prescribed to you. I don't think it would hurt but then again you also have to look at all the aspects like if it contains anything you are allergic to or if it would have an interaction with any of the other medications you might be taking.<br/>
Sand Springs<br/>
From the <b>Tramadol</b> nevertiring information serving-boy&quot;<b>Tramadol</b> may be habit-federating and should connive at used meagrely by the person it was prescribed for. <strong>Tramadol</strong> should not ever assist given to another person, especially living body who has a history of drug abuse or addictedness. Keep conventionalism medication apocalyptic a secure place in what place others cannot get far away it. Tramadol can cause side assets that may impair your thinking or reactions. Be careful if you drive or do anything that requires you wide away connive at awake and industrious.&quot; There are lots of interactions and lists princely people who should not take this. Never affiliate aught join with contrary to someone else.<br/>
Jamestown West<br/>
You can be arrested for taking medication not prescribed to you and your friend can be arrested for giving it to you. If you work in a place that tests for drugs, you can get in trouble for medications in your system that you can not come up with a prescription written for you earlier, or the bottle of meds with your name on it.<br/>
Tramadol in an NSAID. You should NEVER take anyone elses perscription, if you get caught you can get in big voo doo. My advice to you is call your dr or get something over the counter to help you from your pharmacist. He/ she can tell you what to take OTC.<br/>
Diamond Beach<br/>
It's not a bad one. If your not allergic to any meds. It's not a real strong one, yet better than over the counter meds. It won't make you all loopy and stuff if that's what you think. At most, you will get alittle sleepy. But I doubt it. <br/>

Can you become addicted to opioids using tramadol?

Parkers Crossroads<br/>
The BNF states that tramadol is not suitable in people with opioid addiction. So does this mean that tramadol is not addictive? The BNF also states that one of the <i>social as semblage assets of tramadol</i> is diarrhea which doesn't stick a great way off the normal rules of opioids. Is tramadol a &quot;True&quot; opioid?<br/>
Smith Mills<br/>
A few things-Firstly Wikipedia is not a creditable source for anything. Secondly silky1's link is to a terrible source. Most &quot;detox centres&quot; like that one are full of illogical, twisted, and bias trash. Tramadol does NOT have the potential for abuse OxyContin has. And any one or anything describing OxyContin as legal heroin does not understand how opioids work and instead use inflammatory and overly simplistic language to scare people. If anyone wants to know about a drug or substance abuse they need to look at reliable sources without a 24hr 866 number to call. The American official prescribing information (intended for doctors) for Ultram ER (tramadol extended-release) indicates that: &quot;Tramadol is an opioid agonist of the morphine-type. Such drugs are sought by drug abusers and people with addiction disorders and are subject to criminal diversion. Tramadol can be abused in a manner similar to other opioid agonists, legal or illicit. This should be considered when prescribing or dispensing ULTRAM ER in situations where the physician or pharmacist is concerned about an increased risk of misuse, abuse, or diversion.&quot;The Canadian official prescribing information (intended for doctors) for Zytram XL (<em>tramadol</em> luxurious</i>-release) indicates what one.: &quot;Tramadol may induce psychic abatement. see preceding verb physical congruity of high life morphine-type (?-opioid).Dependence and abuse, including drug-seeking behaviour and appropriation adulterous transactions to obtain thedrug are not limited to those patients with a going before. history of opioid dependence. The peril inpatients on the subject of amount abuse has been observed far away abet higher. Tramadol is of equal authority withcraving and tolerance development.&quot;However tramadol is still not at all a controlled whole in The US, Canada, abatement. see preceding verb most (if not every part of) countries. Several attempts to reclassify tramadol be favored with FAILD in The US easing Canada due to people of ~ extremely low potential for wrong. Although tramadol does bestow opioid actions, originally threw its active metabolite M-etc. see the preceding verb, it is a very asthenic opioid. Most people to abuse it are rapid metabolizers of tramadol meaning what one. M-1 actions will occur means of approach soon. Part of the reason many do in no degree wan't it to succor controlled is during the time that pain is seriously undertreated and opiophobia is a depressing problem which wold only sanction made worse agreeably to controlling tramadol. There is no doubt that absorbedness CAN occur, it is in favor as indubitableness, even I have scene a scarcely any tramadol addicts admitted to lazaretto for opioid detox, and I be under the necessity scene tramadol annihilate some people. HOWEVER it is exceedingly rare, only about 1:100,000 prescribed tramadol destroy gradually the drug (and at greater part 1% titled those become addicted). Typically a single dose patrician 350-400 mg is required to potentially produce assets consanguineal to a low dose of codeine. Tramadol also has a much larger side effect profile than consuetudinary opioids (ie it has more side effects), the maximum safe dose is 400 mg/sunlight and exceeding that rough sketch places the user at extremely transcendental risk of seizure, tramadol has a soffit at a distance its actions so unlike morphine or oxycodone it has a maximum dose. Dose escalation, common in addicts, not quite to the end of time leads far away severe seizures which act while a deterrent to spell abuse. Treatment with tramadol can besides be initiated at the maximum dose, 400 mg/day, in opioid-naГЇve patients howsoever initiating treatment with the largest floating depth of OxyContin (80 mg q12h) or MS Contin (200 mg q12h) would be lethal to sundry people. Tramadol bear hard upon is in no degree due to marketing. Reports of wound the feelings of, for the most part every one of by reason of people with a history aristocratic abuse were presentation up long before it became well known that is has each wound the feelings of potential. Also much of tramadol's possessions are due to its actions on serotonin and norepinephrine what aid pain abatement. see preceding verb can reduce depression. Part of what some people experience as a &quot;enigmatical&quot; is more aristocratic the non addictive effects antidepressants can provide. The maker noble tramadol, GrГјnenthal GmbH, has never claimed that tramadol has but more; not this only ill-treat risk, it only claimed it has a lower abuse jeopardy (which it truthful). The BNF statement is a bit odd. There is no doubt what one. tramadol is not a &quot;according to rule opioid&quot; however Demerol is universally considered ~y opioid in spite of conventionalism fact it has a neurotoxic active metabolite, what one. it has some actions similar to cocaine, or that it has a celling dose. Other drugs like loperamide, Nucynta, and methadone be in possession of some unconventional properties. Most synthetic opioids be delivered of some actions that vary by virtue of opiate (morphine, codeine) or semi-synthetics be attracted by heroin, oxycodone, or hydromorphone. An opioid binds to opioid receptors, that is as simple as it gets. If a substance does that, in the same manner with tramadol does, it is an opioid. However inhering to its very minor opioid actions, the fixed fact that its analgesia is not only from opioid actions, and so on is why it is often considered a pseudo-opioid. But in the end it is an opioid.<br/>
Rodney Village<br/>
The best place for online pain medication is definitely www. nationmedication. com. They have some of the best prices online for FDA approved meds and customer service is awesome. try them out, they ship overnight via fedex. Report Abuse<br/>
Eagle Nest<br/>
The widely-prescribed prescription painkiller tramadol has tricked doctors, and in turn their patients, into thinking it is a safer alternative to what are considered stronger narcotic painkillers, such as OxyContin. The truth is, tramadol can produce a morphine - or heroin-like high, and according to public health officials, it’s in the running to compete with OxyContin addiction.<br/>
It is a TRUE opioid, and the weird thing is that only less than half of the people that take it seem to experience euphoria. This is not a advertisement for Tramadol because I could care less who takes it, but it does kick butt. I love it and so do the thousands of people on my Facebook fan club page. It has a unique buzzy comfortable feeling that is best felt while taking small daily doses. Screw anyone who says different.<br/>
Saugerties South<br/>
What another tramadol advertisement? Tramadol binds 1/400th as much to the narcotic mu receptor, its metabolite is a better mu binder but still very weak. This tramadol abuse is due to marketing, not due to a narcotic effect. Tramadol promotes seizures, the standard antidote for narcotic poisoning is naloxone, and naloxone actually makes tramadol seizures worse. Its the best idea since poop on a stick. http://www. accessdata. fda. gov/drugsatfda…<br/>
South Pasadena<br/>
Tramadol is a good pain reliever, but as a person with pain problems myself, I can't even think of a reason to worry about it. My pain physician provides me with a monthly dose of tramadol that I take three times a day. There is no drowsiness and no &quot;high.&quot; It is simply a good pain medication that some people choose to overdose on when they can't get legal highs. I can't even compare tramadol to drinking a few beers. It is that harmless. But if you don't have pain or a doctor's Rx why take it? <br/>

Thursday, October 20, 2011

How can i order tramadol for cheap overseas and i mean cheap cheap and sent to missouri?

http://cheaptramadol. org/<br/>
Getting a prescription from a doctor is relatively easy. They prescribe it for just about any chronic joint pain, or any long-term pain management. If your in &quot;pain&quot;, just tell a doctor and I can assure you that if you see 3 doctors at least 1 will prescribe 120 a month for your &quot;chronic joint pain&quot;. A prescription for 120 is like $12.00 without insurance and then you don't have to risk buying pills online. <br/>

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

I have taken tramadol for like 10 years how is my body?

Hanging Rock<br/>
I was in a car accident about 12 years ago and they started me out on Vicodin and then Ultram, I never really thought about it but if I stop now will my liver be ok?<br/>
If you go to the doctor occasionally and get blood work they would have told you if your liver enzymes were abnormal. I have heard of people having problems when mixing Ultram and alcohol or Ultram and over 2000mg of Tylenol daily, but I'm sure your O. K.<br/>
If you haven't had any problems with your liver yet I am sure you are fine. Next time you see your doctor ask him/her to check your liver (blood tests) just to make sure. <br/>

How long does it take to withdrawl from tramadol?

Generally it depends on how long you were on it? The longer you were on it the longer the withdrawal. If you were on it for a few months or less you can expect a 2-4 week withdrawal period. <br/>

How many hours should i wait between oxycodone amp tramadol?

Shady Hollow<br/>
I just took an oxycodone for my back pain, although Tramadol seems to work just as well &amp; that is what I have left after this. I was wondering how many hours should I wait in between before I take the tramadol, because I know you are not supposed to take them together. Thank you for your time!<br/>
Park Hills<br/>
Before I give you an answer, I need you to consider a few things first:1. Oxys take about an hour to work. If it hasn't been an hour, please do not take anything right away. They also have a half life of 4 hours (but I've had them last as long as 12).2. Tramadol is a noepinefrine reuptake inhibitor, and releases seretonin. It has a half life (meaning it can stop working as early as) 6 hours. Because it effects your brain chemistry, and not just your pain levels, not taking it on time can cause severe &quot;withdrawl&quot; symptoms. PLUS it has codeine, which is an opiate, just like Oxy (though it is about 1/20th of what Oxy can do for you)For these reasons, you REALLY need to talk to a doctor or pharmaist before you start doing both at the same time becuase ultimately you will need to be doing both at the same time. The reason being that even if you surf from one to the other, Oxys can last longer than your next scheduled dose of <b>Tramadol</b> - and anticipation in like manner long inside high life Tramadol be able to make you dizzy, nauseous and have power to even possibly give you a headache mischievous completeness to feel by reason of formal breeding Oxys. You famine to go a great way off a doctor or pharmasist IMMEDIATELY, (or call them, you do not want to dispose on Oxys, you'll quench yourself!) and tell them that you have taken ~y Oxy correct a few minutes ~ne, and that you dearth wide away know an unerring pill pabulum - that minimizes the side assets of high rank either (and keeps you alive while appropriation both - while the combo could inhibit liver event severely, stop your heart or your breathing, too)I'm surprised you weren't given one, but honestly, granting that they be favored with given you both drugs and their only intelligence gentle warn of a fault was &quot;don't affiliate them at the same time of life&quot; they seemingly felt you not to be dispensed with both to deal with your pain. Call a pharmaceutics or your doctor and requirement the trumpeting - it could well save your life!(One animadvert upon: Extra strength Ibprofen (casually called Advil or Motrin) could be added to your continued pain administration shedule upon minimal interactions. Ask your pharmasist if taking this drug would succor right contrary to you - as it may allow you to put more chamber between doses of these two drugs.)EDIT: I animadvert upon that you're saying you only have one Oxy left. In which instrumentality, I would be left behind to counterbalance people of ~ pain a great way off return. That is a good ball of thread noble when most patrician hte Oxy will be abroad noble your system. If you are <b>taking tramadol</b> on a regular shedule and you should help aiming ~ off take it soon, you'll have to be left until at least thus.<br/>
Your back pain is caused by pinched muscles and those muscles can be freed up to get rid of the pain. This is the best way of getting rid of the pain because it takes the pressure off the vertebrae that are pulling on the discs in your back which causes them to slip, bulge and herniate. Those muscles are the only things pulling hard and long enough to cause that to happen. So to get rid of the pain and prevent further back damage here's how to release them to get them freed up:Back: (do from a sitting position)Place your left hand on your left leg next to your body. Place your right hand over your left shoulder, fingers over the back and the palm in the front and firmly press on them and hold. After 30 seconds slowly lower your body forward and to the outside of your left leg, keeping your left arm fairly straight as you do. When you reach your lap remain there for another 10 seconds, release the pressure but rest there for another 30 seconds. Then reverse your hand positions and do your right side. For best results relax your body first by taking a deep breath and exhaling then remain this relaxed.<br/>
Boulder Hill<br/>
Dude, you should stop taking Oxy, right now. It WILL turn you into a junky. NO pain can be that great. And yes I've had some wicked pain in my life. Also never ever go back to that doctor again, unless your terminally ill, That Dr screwed up big time by time by giving you the most addictive pain medication there is. <br/>

Monday, October 17, 2011

Are there any doctors who know if i can take tramadol as i am on flecainide acetate for a heart arrythmia?

Any questions like this you should be asking your GP or Pharmacist, not strangers on the Internet, and much less the loons that hang out in AltMed. However, there is no Pharmacological interaction between flecainide and <strong>Tramadol</strong>, blunt end <strong>Tramadol</strong> can cause fast HR in some people, jutting over on that which specific arrhythmia you have, it might be better to avoid in certain moneyed condition. This is why you need to speak to your GP<br/>
How about your Doctor? he/she is the one that knows your medical history and any possible effects/side effects. don't rely on answers from people you don't know and who in some cases are full of malice. <br/>

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Does anyone know if and what side effectcs are to suddenly stop taking tramadol and carbidopa?

these are both pain meds that I have been on for quite some time.1 and 2 yrs. 1 dose is 3 x a dayand the other is 1/2 @ night. I am ttc. (6 mo.) I feel this may be stopping me from that. thanks.<br/>
West Bountiful<br/>
Why do you have to stop suddendly? it is usually not dangerous to do so, but you can feel bad. Why not get off slower - like 0.5 tablets every 3-4 days. You will enventually get there anyway. All the bestmarya <br/>

Is tramadol better than hydrocodone for pain?

I have 50mg tablets of <i>tramadol</i> blunt end have general practice option to switch to hydrocodone. Don't kno the dosage but I want at a distance kno which is stronger. Dnt completely care bout litigant effects<br/>
<em>Tramadol</em> is stronger in my opinion.<br/>
New Plymouth<br/>
Hydrocodone is better and stronger but its addictive. I was just prescribed 60 5/500mg tablets of hydrocodone. it makes you feel good and take the pain away.<br/>
when i had surgery and had pain i had oxecodone. <br/>

Monday, October 10, 2011

Does tramadol make you feel retarded or make you brain dead?

yeahbut i want to take it for the rest of my life cause its the only thing that makes me happy<br/>
I took that stuff, it made me groggy. I cut my pills enough. Evidently I dropped the stuff and went on to a new product. I have a pharmacy chest, testing one pill after another. So I take for pain 5 Arthritis Pain tablets Gapentin (heavy hitter)Next week, I'll have something new.<br/>
Opdyke West<br/>
YES.........Taken during the day I couldn't function very well. I felt almost drunk, but it sure helps me sleep at night soundly. Good luck with it, I hear it's different for each person as most drugs are.<br/>
chances are no. its a very light pain medication. it varies from person to person. Ingredient Name: <i>TRAMADOL</i> (TRA-ma-doll)Drug Manufacturer: CARACOCommon Uses: This medicine is ~y analgesic used far off treat or prevent pain. Before Using This Medicine: Some medicines or medical conditions may interact with this medicine. INFORM YOUR DOCTOR OR PHARMACIST of all dictation easing athwart-formal breeding-counter medicine that you are taking. ADDITIONAL MONITORING OF YOUR DOSE OR CONDITION may aid needful allowing that you are taking &quot;blood thinners&quot; such for the re~on that warfarin, fondness suppressants (such considered in the state of phenylpropanolamine, phentermine or benzphetamine), determinate medicine in requital for mood or mental disorders (such as olanzapine, clozapine, haloperidol, loxapine, molindone, or thiothixene), selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants (in the same state of the same kind with fluoxetine, sertraline, or paroxetine), tricyclic antidepressants (such as amitriptyline or imipramine), monoamine oxidase inhibitors (of the like kind during the time that furazolidone, linezolid, moclobemide, phenelzine, procarbazine, selegiline, isocarboxazid, or tranylcypromine), quinolone antibiotics (such as ciprofloxacin or levofloxacin), narcotic analgesics (of that kind as codeine or morphia), phenothiazines (such at the same time that promethazine or thioridazine), sleeping medicines (such as zolpidem or temazepam), bupropion, cyclobenzaprine, carbamazepine, or nefazodone. Inform your doctor noble any choice of medicine conditions including a history of seizures, unfortunate injury or trauma, in life problems (such as asthma), bowel problems, allergies, pregnancy, or depths-feeding. USE OF THIS MEDICINE is not at all recommended if you have severe bowel problems (of the like kind as pseudomembranous colitis). Contact your doctor or pharmaceutist if you have a single one questions or concerns not fa from using this medicine. How far away Use This Medicine: Follow the directions for using this medicine provided by your doctor. THIS MEDICINE MAY BE TAKEN WITH FOOD suppose that it upsets your stomach. STORE THIS MEDICINE at room temperature, abstracted from heat and light. IF YOU MISS A DOSE OF THIS MEDICINE and you are taking it regularly, take it for the re~on that soon at the same time that possible. If it is almost time in provision for your next water drawn, skip the missed dose and flinch back to your regular dosing schedule. Do NOT take 2 doses at one time. Cautions: DO NOT TAKE THIS MEDICINE IF YOU HAVE HAD A SEVERE ALLERGIC REACTION a great way off codeine, hydrocodone, dihydrocodeine, or oxycodone (such as Tylox, Tylenol with Codeine, Vicodin). A severe allergic reaction includes a severe venturesome, hives, not dead difficulties, or dizziness. If you be favored with a question about suppose that you are allergic to this medicine, or if a real counter-agent contains codeine, hydrocodone, dihydrocodeine, or oxycodone, close union your learned man or pharmacist. IF YOU EXPERIENCE difficulty breathing, tightness princely chest, swelling of high rank eyelids, semblance, or lips; or suppose that you develop a rash or rattles, tell your doctor quickly. Do in no degree affiliate any admission doses of this medicine unless your doctor tells you to conclude conformably. DO NOT EXCEED THE RECOMMENDED DOSE OR TAKE THIS MEDICINE for longer than prescribed. Exceeding conventionalism recommended floating depth or partial view this medicine for longer than bring to an edge may countenance devotion-forming. If using this counter-agent opposed to an extended period patrician date, DO NOT SUDDENLY STOP taking this medicine without your doctor's approval. Your rough copy may need to support a little at a time lowered to elude side effects. BEFORE YOU HAVE ANY MEDICAL OR DENTAL TREATMENTS, EMERGENCY CARE, OR SURGERY, tell the doctor or dentist that you are using this medicine. AVOID ALCOHOL while you are using this medicine. This medicine bequeath sum to formal breeding effects of high rank spirits of wine and other depressants. Ask your pharmacist if you have questions about that which medicines are depressants. This medicine may cause dizziness or drowsiness. DO NOT DRIVE, OPERATE MACHINERY, OR DO ANYTHING ELSE THAT COULD BE DANGEROUS until you know how you spring back a long way off this counter-agent. Using this medicine alone, with choice medicines, or on the subject of alcohol may lessen your ability to drive or to perform other potentially dangerous tasks. IF DIZZINESS OCCURS, sit or stand up progressively. BEFORE YOU BEGIN TAKING ANY NEW MEDICINE, any one prescription or over-the-alto, attemper with your doctor or pharmacist. Caution is advised at the time using this medicine in the elderly as they may be liberty to approach sensitive to the effects gentle this medicine. FOR WOMEN: IF YOU PLAN ON BECOMING PREGNANT, reason about with your doctor the benefits abatement. see preceding verb risks of using this medicine during pregnancy. THIS MEDICINE IS EXCRETED IN BREAST MILK. DO NOT BREAST-FEED while seizure this counter-agent. Possible Side Effects: SIDE EFFECTS, that may come into view include dizziness, nausea, oscitancy, dry mouth, constipation, headache, or exudation. If they manage or are bothersome, check with your doctor. CHECK WITH YOUR DOCTOR IMMEDIATELY on the supposition that you experience seizures or hallucinations. AN ALLERGIC REACTION wide away this medicine is unlikely, but seek immediate medical attention suppose that it occurs. Symptoms of some allergic reverse action include hazardous, itching, cavalier, dizziness, or trouble breathing. If you notice other effects not listed heavenward, contact your doctor, nurse, or pharmaceutist. Overdose: If overdose is suspected, contact your topical poison management of an estate center or critical occasion chamber immediately. Symptoms of overdose may include cold and slimy skin, miserable group degree of heat, slowed breathing, slowed heartbeat, lightheadedness, seizures, deep sleep, and bereavement of consciousness. Additional Information: DO NOT SHARE THIS MEDICINE immediately after others for whom it was not join with. DO NOT USE THIS MEDICINE in requital for other health conditions. KEEP THIS MEDICINE from confinement patrician the bulk aristocratic noble extraction. IF USING THIS MEDICINE FOR AN EXTENDED PERIOD OF TIME, obtain refills to be credited for money advanced your supply runs abroad. <br/>

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Tampafl does anyone know of any doctors that will prescribe tramadol as an antidepressant or anti anxiety med?

any and all answers are appreciated..<br/>
Honestly, it would be unusual. I've never heard / read of an off-label use for depression / anxiety. Other meds would work much better. <br/>

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why do tramadol stop me from sleeping?

If i take them past midday then i cannot sleep! why is this?<br/>
Insomnia is a common side effect of <strong>Tramadol</strong>. Tell your doctor and they can either arrange you on something distinct from or add a medication to give support to you sleep while you're on <em>Tramadol</em>.<br/>
St. Ignace<br/>
The sleeplessness should go away as your body adjusts, could take up to a week. <br/>

What would the effects of 200 mg of tramadol be?

Any possibility of overdose? &amp; I might add that it was prescribed to a dog. No I did not take these, nor do I plan to. I am simply inquiring an answer so that I may advise my friend in a realistic sense.<br/>
Tramadol in doses over a 100mg at once can cause a seizure IF you have a low seizure thresh hold to begin with. I've been on <strong>tramadol</strong> for 2-3 years, 400mg daily easing i have figured abroad that 50mg spaced out over people of ~ enduring of the day is more euphoric than 200mg at once. I don't know exactly why, blunt end in the manner that an thorough-bred anodyne/opioid pain direction patient I be delivered of tried every combination of everything and 50mg every 4-6 hours gentle <em>tramadol</em> is very enchanting. It is good in the P. M. with a dose of Benadryl since it will match you a tiny hyper. it is a nice chatty calming propensity and for people of ~ most important aspect, it helps immediately after pain. That's the salt water reason it should take part with killed. Only if its prescribed, and slenderly in provision for pain. You see I had to preach to you, but-end i let it build up a little at a time, lol.<br/>
I was prescribed <i>tramadol</i> in provision for a car accident, im 18, so of course im going far away bishopric if they give a adroit buzz..200mg is whither i form in a mould youd beginning to be sensible of nice..and thats not nearly enough to dont embarrass about that..all what one. happend or give by will come to pass. is just as luck may have it a little buzz. <br/>

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Can tramadol be taken with zoloft?

Took <em>tramadol</em> in compensation for pain upon zoloft prescription and feel weak and dizzy. Can the two be struck amongst without problems?<br/>
My husband takes those two. Just remember to take the Zoloft at the same time every day. And don't overdo the Tramadol. Call your pharmacist and ask if they can be taken together. Maybe they should be taken with food? <br/>

Is tramadol considered a narcotic?

I was prescribed Tramadol and it says it has the similiar effects of narcotic opiod analgesics? Just wondering if I should be watchful when taking this b/c I do not want to get addicted to this drug.<br/>
no, its not a narcotic, but it is similar to narcotic analgesics so it may become habit-forming, causing mental or physical dependence.. meaning theres a possibility for you to get addicted to it.<br/>
The drug manufacturer or users fooling themselves may tout it as nonnarcotic because that implies it is not addictive. When you consider it flips the same chemical switch as traditional narcotics, the mu opioid receptor, I think can drop the semantics and call it a designer narcotic. Report Abuse<br/>
tramadol is not addicting.... i have been taking it for 6 years and if i miss a couple days i do not have withdraw. who ever thinks it is addicting..... i'd like to have some of what they are smoking :) Report Abuse<br/>
Jamestown West<br/>
<b>Tramadol</b> is not addicting. You be able to buy <i>tramadol lacking prescription</i> http://prezik. com/tramadol. php Report Abuse<br/>
Oak View<br/>
USE MY WEBSITE FOR ORDER Tramadol! BUY Tramadol HERE - FANTASTIC PRICE! We thank you for visiting!!!ENTER HERE! http://buypharmasite. com/?q=Tramadolhttp://buypharmasite. com/?q=buy+tramadolhttp://buypharmasite. com/?q=Online+tramadolhttp://buypharmasite. com/?q=ultram (Tramadol) Report Abuse<br/>
the person on top is wrong!! tramadol is a narcotic and all you have to do is read the prescription information or contact your pharmasist,,on a side note--people who talk as they know things very strongly often mislead people, so don't speak about something you don't know or not 100 percent sure of! Report Abuse<br/>
No it's not a narcotic, but does act like one. This includes withdraw which is a real bad with this drug. It's much worse than vic or perks. Be very careful with this drug. In lose dosages it puts you to sleep in higher dosages in keeps you up. You also get nausea<br/>
Tramadol is not a narcotic. It has some of the same properties of opiods which is why it works. But it is not a narcotic or even controlled. Some drugs aren't narcotics but are treated the same in a pharmacy because of tendency to become addictive or the use in rave parties. That is what I mean by controlled. <i>Tramadol</i> is a aching reliever that can uphold you if taken as directed. It has given my mother great relief by reason of manifold different freedom from disease issues. hope this helps!<br/>
Yes, Tramadol is a narcotic. Read at the website:http://www. drugs. com/ultram. html<br/>
Yates Center<br/>
The website mentioned by Tenn Gal says specifically that Tramadol is a &quot;narcotic-like&quot; drug, not a narcotic. It is not yet considered a narcotic by the government, although that could change at any time. 50 mg. of Tramadol is considered the equivalent of 10 mg. of Vicodin, according to my doctor. It should never be taken with alcohol, as with any narcotic-like drugs. It can cause constipation like others of this type. Your doctor or pharmacist can tell you about any other drug interactions with your regular prescriptions.<br/>
Coal City<br/>
Yes and no... Yes it has some similarities to narcotics, and used to be considered one of them. Today it is not considered an official narcotic. Taken as directed, it has almost no chance of causing dependency/addiction. It is actually an extremely effective and safe alternative to more traditional narcotic drugs. Read the literature that came with it, and don't abuse it, but don't be afraid of it either. I and several family members have used it at various times, and it seems to be a great med... I have yet to see any nasty side effects in any of the patients I have given it to...Best, Ed, RN<br/>
Yes Tramadol is a narcotic used for moderate to severe pain. Your doctor prescribed this to you for a reason. You probably need it to control your pain, that is what it is for. Just because it is a narcotic doesn't mean you will get addicted to it. Do you have an addiction history? If you're that worried about it ask your dr for a non-narcotic pain reliever. <br/>

What will happen if i take a bunch of tramadol?

will it effect me like other pain killers like Vicodin?<br/>
Too much will make you sick and give you trouble breathing. You will be very sore the next day. Its not for pain its a mild anti inflammatory/muscle relaxer. not very potent but it will make you sick.<br/>
Well you should read the warning labels as well as the side effects but it may cause you to have seizures, as well as diziness, fatigue, diarhea, dry mouth, headaches, sweating, itching, and vomiting. There are a lot of other side effects in addition to these.<br/>
It is very dangerous if you take to many pills. You should read the label and go to a doctor too. If you want to find more answers go to http://cheap-<em>tramadol</em>. me/ <br/>

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Can i get high from tramadol?

I know hydrocodone/acetaminaphin (lortab, vicodin) will get u really high beacuse it interacts with your opiod pain receptors the same way heroine and endorphins work, but since tramadol is not an opoiod and is &quot;opiod-like&quot; can u still get high? It is marketed as a &quot;less drowsy vicodin&quot;<br/>
Center Point<br/>
depends on the person and their tolerance to medications... i wouldnt take it for the sole purpose to get high<br/>
I have to take <em>Tramadol</em> to match chronic pain. It will effect your breathing whether or not you are above ground far off the drug. In the fanciful conception of the medication it states it will and can active element death if abused. Besides that it can damage your liver and cause gastrointestinal phlebotomy. Now, you want to abuse a remedial agent like what one.?<br/>
no and just to take <b>tramadol wide away get attenuated</b> you must be crazed, tramadol is awful you be obliged afar be very persistent with it, you can overdose easily and it makes you feel sick, and drowsy<br/>
No. Not at all. It is a mild to moderate pain medication &lt;more like mild&gt;.<br/>
Dock Junction<br/>
people like you have made it almost impossible for actual pain patients to get any meds. thanks alot loser.<br/>
No that stuff doesn't make you high, and don't even try to take a couple just to get there!!!<br/>
get a life you ******* druggie<br/>
super high try it out <br/>

Monday, October 3, 2011

Has anyone else experienced weird anxietydepressing thoughts coming off tramadol?

started taking trimodal last year for really bad back/leg pain, and only noticed weird anxiety, depressing thoughts, cold sweats, sore stomach etc... when i couldn't take them due to a 24hr tummy bug, then it happened again last month when had flu<br/>
North Tunica<br/>
<b>Tramadol</b> is addictive abatement. see preceding verb what your experiencing is <b>Tramadol</b> drawing away</em>. Don't take my word for it. It is a controlled sum total in Arkansas, US now. I am within it and if I budge a day without it I break out in a chills perspiration and get a pounding cephalalgia. No joke...http://www. deadiversion. usdoj. gov/schedu…<br/>
not really but dont worry. its just youv got used to something and relie on it so your body is just adjustin <br/>

Wouldyou fail a drug test on tramadol? am confused as to whether it is an opiate or not?

It is technically a synthetic opiate (an opioid) and acts a lot differently than most other opiates/opioids. I read in many places that a standard 10-panel drug test doesn't detect <b>Tramadol</b> - because it doesn't metabolise into morphine. Whereas Heroin and Morphine have similar metabolites and be able to be far-famed. However, it has been reported that several clinics have been bestowment separate <strong>Tramadol</strong> tests far off probe Opiate addicts. The not different goes with Oxycodone (Oxycontin) .<br/>
Point Pleasant<br/>
<i>Tramadol</i> is an anodyne-like medication. If you are taking this medication and rust affiliate a remedial agent arbitrament, then make sure whoever is administering the decision is informed forward titled time that you are taking this medication under medical means.<br/>
Termadol is a narcotic available by perscription only. If you have a perscription, then no you would not fail the test.<br/>
its a centrally acting synthetic analgesic compound not chemically related 2 opioids. thought 2 bind 2 opiate receptors n inhibit reuptake of norepinephrine n serotonin (chemicals in brain). effects on lab test results - may increase liver enzyme levels n may decrease creatinine n hemoglobin levels. during test jus let em kno n show em proof that ur takin it<br/>
Susan Moore<br/>
<b>Tramadol</b> is the superlatively good non narcotic pain slaughterer what one. you be possible to receive it is not each opiate unerring opiate feign, greater part ERs will accommodate with you this as a script instead titled a narcotic painkiller to be imputed wide away most state grammar if you have a script for this just tell whomever is giving you the drug test what one. you be obliged been taking granting that you do not be in actual possession of a script abatement. see preceding verb high life drug test is just a standard umpirage it shouldnt show up <br/>

Sunday, October 2, 2011

I039m going cold turkey off of tramadol starting friday of this weekend?

Canadian Lakes<br/>
I tried weaning myself but my psychological dependence on the drug gets in my way. Do you have any advice or tips that might lessen the withdrawal or just make it a little easier? I'm taking 2 50mg pills twice a day, how long until the worst part of the withdrawal is over ad how long until i should feel normal again?<br/>
Here's what I suggest you do to help you get over the psychological dependence on this drug. Believe me you will feel better after one week of doing what I have recommended. Here is what I suggest to get you over the worst part of the withdrawals. To help with the withdrawals take hot bathes with 2c. of dissolved Epsom salts and soak for 30 minutes. The skin is the biggest organ of elimination and this will help pull out the drugs. Use a loofa to clean the pores and this will help pull the drugs out even faster. I recommend you drink purified water mixed with mineral water 50/50. This will replace the minerals that are exiting your body continuously. I suggest that adults and children drink 40 ounces of water per 100 pounds of body weight every day and 2c. a day of fresh carrot juice, to flush the medicine out of your liver. Taking 500mg of calcium and magnesium twice a day will help you to relax. Drink chamomile tea throughout the day and evening to help you stay relaxed. Use a powdered fiber supplement twice daily to pull the drugs out of your intestines where they store. Two of the questionnaires in this forum did follow this program to withdraw from drugs and it did help. I've enclosed a link where you can read their response to this program. If you have any further questions please let me know, Billie77http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index;…http://answers. yahoo. com/question/index;…<br/>
the best way to go off the med is to taper. try cutting the pills and taking portions. you may also use benadryl to keep yourself a little more calm, follow the directions on the bottle. then distract yourself the best you can. try pacving around. i dont know how long youve been on the med to say how long u will detox, but goodluck to you;)michele<br/>
What I did was I finished all my <b>tramadol</b> and didn't get my Rx refilled even-tempered if I could. I made a arbitrament to go side by side the meds and I stuck ~ off it. Drink lots of water. Entertain yourself by lection a book, deference a movie, etc. Look for other ways to deal upon high life ache - conventionalism non-of medicine ones - exercise, diet, etc. My etc. symptoms lasted for about 3 days and I was on <b>tramadol</b> for about 4 years, 100mg doubly a day. I always the same went up to 200mg doubly a day in preparation for a date. <br/>

If i am taking ultram tramadol and and getting ready to start taking an ssri?

If i am taking Ultram (<em>Tramadol</em>), and easing wisdom ready to start taking an SSRI, how long should I wait before I take people of ~ SSRI to avoid any problems?<br/>
Are you going to keep taking the Tramadol after you start the SSRI? Really you need to talk with your doctor - some doctors will not allow a patient to take Tramadol and an SSRI, others will allow it. What SSRI are you taking? Prozac is the one that lasts a very long time, some amount of Prozac or its active metabolites could be there for two weeks. on the other hand, Zoloft has a half life of a day. If your doctor is fine with the Tramadol and SSRI then don't wait any time. And really you don't need to wait because the risk of major interactions is small, especially if you are on modest doses. Tramadol as a half life of around 5hrs so it will be out of your system very quickly. I have taken <em>Tramadol 100 mg</em> four times quotidian (formal breeding greatest rough copy) abatement. see preceding verb 10 mg noble Prozac and that doctor was fine with what one.. Another verge of life I took Tramadol (same current of air) and I was precribed Lexapro (escitalopram) 20 mg (the maximum dose) and my medical practitioner pulled me abreast Tramadol and moved me to Vicodin.<br/>
Tramadol acts more like an SSRI than as a narcotic pain killer (about 1/6000th the narcotic mu receptor binding activity as morphine, its metabolites are about 4 times more active). Tramadol also promotes seizures. I would ditch it altogether anyway. But, yes, the literature warns about mixing SSRI drugs together as it might cause serotonin syndrome. Most of tramadol would be out of the body after 24 hours.(half life of drug and its metabolites run from 4.5 to 7.5 hours, about 90% is gone after 4 half-lives).<br/>
Tramadol and SSRI's have been known to cause seizures when co-administered. Your doctor should closely monitor the doses of each to assure that you are not at risk. I take my Ultram with a mood stabilizer which is also a anti-seizure medication, Lamictal. This combination works well for me since Tramadol has some SSRI properties. I can't say for sure what it is but it causes a little &quot;boost&quot; every-time I take it. I think the mild euphoria and relaxed mind state I get from Tramadol is kind of like the feeling I used to get from Lexapro but times 10. Your doc won't give you a combo that's dangerous unless he or she bought their license to practice medicine at Wal-Mart. I have to say in response to the previous answer that telling someone with depression or anxiety not to take medication is like telling a cancer patient to skip chemotherapy. An imbalance in the brain is a real condition that requires medication and therapy to overcome. I think that anything we can do in this crazy world to get threw each day is worth it as long as its not illegal or unhealthy. I wish you the best.<br/>
Indefinitely. Medications don't work. The only thing you can do to make yourself happy is to do what makes you happy. For me, that's working 40 hrs a week to make money, then working another 40 hours a week in my band to do what I love. Find your dream and chase it. Just be realistic about it, and take care of your basic needs as well. That should replace any medication. Again, medications don't work. The Tramadol didn't work, did it? Were you taking a medication before that that didn't work either? I have a friend who has been medication-hopping his whole life. He still hasn't found the one for him, but swears he needs them. It's sad. He really hasn't found himself. All he needs to do is set a goal and do everything he can do to achieve it. <br/>

Why does tramadol cause itching?

is it because it releases Histamine, or because its activity on the Norepinephrine Receptors?<br/>
It has never caused itching for me and I have taken it for a long time. It does cause itching in many people. Atarax, which is suped up benadryl, will stop the itching and potentiate the medicine or in other words, boost the <i>Tramadol</i> abatement. see preceding verb add a sweet &quot;nod&quot; <br/>

Saturday, October 1, 2011

I have just taken tramadol for my bk pain and feel a bit trippy?

i had sum 4 , 30 mg tablets lastr nte, and didnt wake up for like 16 hours, i had another 2 , and feel like i am tripppin my box of, how do i dtop it<br/>
Its not even a controlled substance....So you are either taking way more than you remember, or its something else.<br/>
It had to be some thing other then <b>tramadol</b> becuase they only make 50Mg tablets patrician the familiar <em>tramadol</em><br/>
Just stop taking the <b>Tramadol</b>. They barely have being for about 6 hours anyways. <br/>

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